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Does Sports Massage hurt?

Sports Massage can sometimes be a little uncomfortable but often people describe the feeling as a ‘pleasureable relieving pain’. We will work slowly and within your pain threshold and will communicate with you throughout to ensure that you are comfortable with the pressure used.
I have a particular medical condition, is it safe for me to have a massage?

Sports Massage is usually very safe as long as you are in the hands of a fully qualified practitioner.  However, there are occasionally certain circumstances where massage is not appropriate.  Please feel free to call or email us if you have any concerns and wish to discuss this prior to making an appointment.  If you are unsure, always seek advice from your General Practitioner.

How many sessions will I need to resolve my pain?

This often depends on how long you have had the pain.  The sooner you seek help post injury or pain, the quicker and more successful the resolution is likely to be.  If you have had chronic pain or injury for a very long time then recovery will be a much slower process, as your body will have developed many compensatory patterns further contributing to that injury, which will need to be slowly unravelled.  The average is usually around six sessions but depending on the circumstances this can be less or more.

I have a pain that keeps coming back, what can you do to help?

Our initial objective at is to reduce your pain as quickly as possible.  We will then look at your posture, lifestyle and biomechanics to try to identify the root cause of the pain and resolve that issue to reduce the risk of recurrence.  The next step is to educate you about your body in a way that you are able to maintain this yourself either through exercise and good postural and biomechanical habits, or with maintenance massage, or with a combination of the two.

Will my personal details be kept confidential?

Yes.  You can rest assured that the details of your consultation and sessions, along with any issues discussed, will remain confidential at all times.