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The GYROTONIC® Expansion System
is a holistic approach to movement that is designed to meet the needs of people of all ages and abilities. GYROTONIC® students are both young and old, recovering from illness or injury and healthy. Some of the benefits of GYROTONIC® and GYROKINESIS® exercises include increased strength and flexibility, renewed energy and vitality and a general sense of calm and well being.
The Art of Excercising and Beyond...................
About the GYROTONIC® method...
The GYROTONIC® method is an original, and unique movement practice which has roots in Yoga, Tai Chi, and dance. GYROTONIC® exercise sequences are composed of spiraling, circular movements, which flow together seamlessly in rhythmic repetitions, with corresponding breath. Using the GYROTONIC® exercises, each movement flows into the next, allowing the joints to move through a natural range of motion without jarring or compression. These carefully crafted sequences create balance, efficiency, strength and flexibility.

The GYROTONIC® System is for Everyone

GYROTONIC® classes can be adapted to fit anyone's ability. The GYROTONIC® method is practiced by people from all walks of life, including accomplished athletes and dancers, college students, baby boomers, senior citizens, and people with disabilities.
Four primary principles of the GYROTONIC® Expansion System are listed below:


"Intention is the driving force that moves the body."(Juliu Horvath) It is a person's vision that guides his/her movement in the desired direction.

Stabilization through Contrast

"Instead of attempting to create stabilisation by fixing or holding the body in a particular position, The GYROTONIC® Expansion System encourages the mover to find a balance between reaching, or lengthening outward (extending or expanding), and pulling inward toward the bodies core (tensing, or retracting). This opposition is not static, instead there is a continuous wave like pulsation of reaching out, and reeling in from the center of the body. In this way stability is attained by a counterbalance of opposing forces." (Joyce Campbell)

Decompression of the joints

Joints that are overly compressed cannot move freely. Decompression of the joints can be attained by utilising the principle of stabilisation through contrast, along with cuing exercisers to articulate joints with a scooping, curvilinear motion. By creating a scooping motion, and moving around joints in a circular manner, greater space may be attained in the joints, optimizing the quality,and efficiency of most joint movements.

Coordination of movement and breath

The GYROTONIC® Expansion System stresses the value of using a corresponding breath pattern for each movement. Generally this involves inhaling when a movement is intended to expand, or open, and exhaling when a movement is intended to contract, or close.
10 reasons for doing GYROTONIC®s:
Specialised Equipment
The body is designed to work as one harmonious system,to follow arcing and spiraling paths of motion, and to transition from one movement to the next smoothly, and efficiently.  GYROTONIC® method creator, Juliu Horvath , designed a specialised line of equipment around these natural movement patterns of the human body.
Because GYROTONIC® equipment is highly adjustable, it can be customized to fit each persons unique physique, and ability, adapting for things such as height, arm and leg length and physical ability.
"The GYROTONIC EXPANSION SYSTEM® is perfect for rehabilitation of injuries and muscular conditions such as fibromyalgia because it strengthens the body without directly overworking the muscles."

Some of the benefits that may be gained by practicing the GYROTONIC®,and Gyrokinesis methods are increased circulation; cardiovascular stimulation; increased mobility of the joints; stimulation, and strengthening of the nervous system; mobilization of the spine; improved sense perception; greater balance, and flow of energy; and improved coordination
Mobilise the spine and free the joints
Develop profound core body strength
Release tension in the body
Enhance neuromuscular stimulation
Detoxify with specific breathing patterns
Improve three-dimensional range of movement
Develop body alignment awareness
Increase bone strength and density
Revitalise your natural energy
Balance symmetry in the body